Saturday, 15 January 2011

Saturday 15th January 2011

Thursday evening Steven went to sleep at about 9pm, but come
4am, the fun and games started!! He was the worst I'd seen him,
totally out of control. Lots of visits from the nurses, but nothing
could be done. Couldn't get him settled. No messages at all. The
nurses have to be so careful with the medication, so I just had to
"suck it in". Of course as soon as he'd had his breakfast, he was fast
asleep. Went down to physio' in this state!! Goodness knows what they
can do with him like that, because he obviously lasted the two hour
session. It was a gorgeous day, Friday, so we went out for his "walk"
and he wasn't happy about that. Paul and Pauline met us in the
grounds, and we all just chatted, trying to get Steven's involvement,
but all he wanted to do was got to his room as indicated by the
alphabet. So, I said to him, that if he could answer 3 memory
questions, I'd take him in after one extra little "walk", he agreed.
He correctly named his nephew and niece. Now a little story.....1yr
ago, whilst leaving Guardamar Sunday market, Steven and Pauline saw a
man throw something out of a car window. Steven and Pauline stopped
and found a puppy, a smelly thing he named Pongo, and took him home.
They took him to the vet' for check-up the next day, and the rest is
history, we still have the dog. So I only said to Steven "Why did you
keep the dog", his reply by alphabet was "Cos I felt sorry" (his
shortening of word, his reply). Definately a good memory and he
deserved his trip to his room. The rest of the day he was calm. Paul
later returned from the shops with a laser pen. He gave it to Steven,
and asked Steven to point it at various targets around the room, this
he did quite successfully, so now Paul is making words to stick on the
wall, for Steven to point to and make sentences. Work in progress,
I'll let you know what happens. Friday evening, Steven had a horrible
defiant look on his face, a look I've seen so many times from when he
was a small child. Friday night though, Paul had a worse night with
Steven than I did. Again out of control, but this time, Steven was
able to spell that he was in a lot of pain, (in a way a good sign, up
to now, he's experienced only little pain) mainly in his legs and
feet. Despite painkillers and sleeping pills he was awake most of the
night. It seems to us, that Steven is going to extremes in his
recovery, at times he seems much calmer and lucid than before, and as
an opposite, he's more unsettled as well, hope these are all good
signs. This morning, Saturday, Steven has had his wounds on his feet
dressed, another painkiller, and is now asleep. I'll let him sleep,
and then get him outside this afternoon, in the warm sunshine. Under
better circumstances this area is quite beautiful.

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