Hiya,an excellent week. Several improvements. Last Friday evening, Steven walked 200metres with the aid of a walking frame, followed by an 80 metre walk just holding my hand. He seems to walk better when he goes at a faster pace, because he then hasn't got time to think about what he's doing. When he walks slow he's thinking about his toes, his ankle, his knees and his legs, "telling" each part to do it's bit. He has a tendency to have a longer pace with his left foot, probably due to the heavy boot he has to wear normally, but not when he’s using the frame. After this mini-marathon he had a shower, by himself, this giving him yet more, but small, independance. However the following day, he'd been bubbled by the shower police, and was admonished for having a shower without proper training. This is what is beginning to annoy us about this place. Despite all their wonderful work, they insist on slowing him down at every opportunity instead of giving him constructive criticism. He was then told off for shaving himself, despite the fact he's been doing this for over a month. Every new thing Steven does, is closely monitored by us, until we allow him to do things for himself. He takes great pride in doing everything he can, to get better, not wishing to be a burden on anyone, he just wants to get out of here for the right reasons, he has a life to live. After the shower, I took Steven in the car to our rented house, where he climbed 5 steps to the patio, to sit in a patio chair, and enjoy a coffee with us. He hasn't been taught to climb steps yet, we await the warning!! On our return to the hospital I was told off for not signing Steven out from the hospital, apparently a hanging offence if the 2 tellings off are to be believed. Saturday morning, after signing Steven out, we made a trip to Alzira for a walk around a superstore, before having a burger and coke at McDonalds, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Sunday morning we all went to Corbera for a car boot sale. A relaxing walk round although at times it did get a little too crowded for the wheelchair. These trips out are so important, it gets Steven away from those 4 walls, gives him fresh air, and up to a point gives him some control on where he goes, and what he does. He's getting more confident with his speaking, the melodious tone is returning, but he still has a little difficulty moving his neck and jaw. Monday, Pauline and I had another 3 day break, leaving Steven in the very capable hands of Paul. They also went to McDonalds, as well as small trips around the hospital grounds. Steven continued to shower and shave despite what the hospital staff say. Wednesday evening Steven and Paul came down to join us at the rented house, and again Steven climbed the steps, this time with some ease. Thursday morning, today, Steven was in the swimming pool for the first time. He tried swimming but found it difficult to float, which is slightly important. Although Steven’s brain has been re-booted and re-formatted, he is unlikely to be able to breathe like a fish. He found it difficult to walk in the pool due to the action of the water forcing him to slightly lose his balance.
So, a good week. Lots of small trips, and life is getting a little easier for all of us. Steven continues to work with determination, and we will continue to encourage him to do so.
Best regards Terry
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