Thursday, 11 August 2011

11th August 2011

not a lot has happened since last update. Steven continues to try to work hard but is prevented from doing so by sheer pain from his hip. Today, Thursday, he has returned to his wheelchair, to reduce the amount of time walking, and therefore reduce the pain. Painkillers do not help. One downside is that he continues to be abrupt with his speaking, with no thought of others. He will not interact with other patients and carers, despite their great respect for what he's achieved. He misunderstands this as noseyness. He cannot do any wrong, and if criticized by anyone, gets very angry. This isn't the Steven we know and we just hope that over time, he'll regain his social awareness. He has retained his intelligence so he's fully aware of what's happened to him, and this makes him very sad, and he thinks worryingly about the quality of his future life. We don't think he's accepted what's happened to him, and understandably he feels very bitter. We have been told to gently tell Steven when he does any wrong, we've tried, but he won't accept the advice given. It's all very sad, but we have to continue trying. He has to think positive, he says he does, but then he gets depressed again. He has regained an interest in computers and music, and this keeps him in touch with the outide world, and takes his mind temporarily off his problems. From Friday 12th until 22nd August, he has been given permission to have a holiday at home. This is good news, it will take him away from the routine, noise, and lack of privacy at the hospital, hopefully his "batteries" will be re-charged to face what may be a traumatic time, if he has the hip replacement operation.
best regards

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