There may be some changes over the next few days with Steven. We have appointments with solicitor, social security, and hospital doctor. We could be at home for nearly 2 weeks from this Thursday to get all this sorted. The doctor is in Torrevieja hospital, and the hope is that he will arrange for Steven to have his physio' locally allowing us to return home permanently. This meeting is on 2nd November, what happens after that date is anyone's guess, but we could be home the next day, the next week, or next month. I'll keep you updated. All I know is, I get the feeling we're going to be busy!! We have been told that this move will not affect the timing of his operation if and when that is. Steven is already considering living on his own at his own house for a few days. He is coping very well at the rented house, even cooking meals for us, getting his own drinks, washing, shaving, dressing, and doing his own medicines. He can cope, although we have concerns about the possibilty of him stumbling or falling, but sooner or later we have to get used to this, it's going to be difficult, but he is full of confidence. There are doubts as to Steven's eligiblity to any sort of pension, due to our pensions being too big. I can understand this, yet again it's people like us, who have scrimped and saved, and who get penalised by a system which allows lazy people spending their money on booze and being able to claim everything, the same as happened to an Aunty of mine having to sell her house to pay for her care, disgusting. What he and we need desperately is some good news, a date for his operation would suffice.
Best regards Terry
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