Tuesday, 1 November 2011

1st November 2011

Well, it’s one year on, what can I say that hasn’t been said already? You all know what Steven has had to contend with, and how much he has recovered. He has an incredible amount of drive and determination to get better. If he could only have his operations, that would hopefully remove the pain, and remove the frustration and anger. There are still many issues to resolve, but the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. In the last year Steven has learnt a lot about himself, as have we. It’s only natural that he and we are still extremely bitter about the whole situation, and no amount of words will change that, perhaps time will change how we feel. We all understand that life is neither fair nor perfect, but it seems to be okay for the bad guys out there. We know who our true friends are, and we have found many new friends who were strangers. We can’t thank or list everyone personally, but amongst the many messages, Steven has also had parcels and cards from such diverse places as Afghanistan, Chelsea FC, Poland, Belgium, and Holland. We couldn’t have coped with the last year without the support of friends and family, for which we’re grateful. Dependant on Steven's full recovery we have plans for the future, from which, hopefully, other people will benefit. We remain extremely grateful to the emergency services, and the staff at the 3 hospitals visited by Steven. The next battle starts tomorrow, Wednesday, when we have meetings with doctors to organize the next round of recovery locally to home. At least being back home permanently from 18th November will give us all some stability. The reason for this move, is, that Steven was sent into the private sector by the Spanish equivalent of NHS, where he has made his recovery. Now that Steven has improved sufficiently to attend hospital as an out-patient, the private treatment has been finished and he rejoins the “NHS”.
Love Terry

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