Friday, 18 February 2011

18th February 2011

Today we spoke to one of Steven's doctors. She was more than pleased with his progress, and in fact had called us to see her 3 weeks before she normally would. These doctors are so experienced, they normally know at what stage a person is at in his recovery. Steven is now in what's called Post Traumatic Amnesia, or PTA. If you wish to know more, visit website, However, if you put PTA in the search engine it comes back in Welsh! I don't know why and haven't the time now to check it, but I assume you could copy the section into Google's translator to have it in English or Spanish. But basically it is describing Steven perfectly, and gives a great understanding of what's going on, or could go on in Steven's brain, including regressing to childhood, and not knowing where he is, which I've described in previous updates. What happens next with Steven is determined by the length of time he is in PTA, and whether he goes the violent way or the placid way. This is the unknown. None of this takes into account his body control which is of great concern to us. But we are still hopeful of a good recovery.
Best regards Terry.

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