Monday, 7 February 2011

6th February 2011

strange few days!!!! Steven was agitated Thursday morning through to the afternoon's physio' session, when he said that the physio's make him fight. When I asked what he meant, he said that the physio's make him fight the others, and that they bet on it. Well, I haven't got a clue what he's on about, when I said I thought he was mistaken, he said "Why do you find it hard to believe me". When I went to collect him he was actually smiling, and he said he had a good session. Friday we left him in Paul's hands because of our trip to Torrevieja to visit solicitor, courts, and bank. Paul told us he had been agitated all day. Saturday morning Paul told us Steven had a good nights sleep, but Steven said he didn't, and that he felt rough. By mid-morning Veronica and 3 friends had arrived to see Steven. But Steven was very rude to them, and dismissive of them. I tried to tell Steven to be polite and respectful, but he wouldn't/couldn't. Basically he doesn't like to be seen in his present state. He's embarrassed that he looks the way he is in front of 4 pretty girls. Understandable, but the girls had spent a lot of time and money to see Steven, they must have felt awful. I tried to explain to them that he sometimes is the same with us, but we don't have to spend 50euro and travel 400kms, over 4hrs to be acknowledged in the way that they were. But in reality, it wasn't really Steven. They and us know that Steven is a polite gentleman, and wouldn't knowingly hurt anyone. I apologized on Steven's behalf, and I hope they understood. But we just cannot guarantee how Steven is going to be one minute to the next. If they had 'phoned to say they were coming I would have said he was okay, but, he obviously wasn't. Over the weekend he has been very drowsy. He's still in a lot of pain with his left leg, and his throat is bothering him a little. The tracheotomy is healing well, but Steven's tiredness is causing him to mumble. We'll just have to wait and see how he gets on. There's no doubt a ot of Steven's problems could be down to the large amount of drugs he is taking. As we are constantly being reminded, we just have to be patient, and things will improve little by little, but it's Steven who has to do the hard work, and he can't do that if/when he's tired.

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