Steven is going through a very strange phase at the moment. He is very emotional about almost everything. He cries over the smallest thing, whether it's bringing his bird-of-paradise flower from home, receiving verbal or written messages of support, or just doing him a food treat. He often says "this isn't fair" or "why me". All we can answer is, that all that's behind him, it's happened, concentrate on getting better. He hates going to physio', sometimes saying he doesn't want to get better. So we have to remind him, he's not going to get better lying in a bed, and he's got a lot to live for. He often forgets things within minutes, as per the PTA, other times his memory and conversation is wonderful. His speech is often slurred, this makes him think he's going crazy because we can't understand him, or in his words "you're doing my head in". But he can't or won't open his mouth wide, unless it's for a spoon full of food!! He is sleeping very well, no moaning nor discomfort, despite daytime complaints of pain to leg and arm. We now get about 7hrs sleep, the longest period being 3hrs. So we sometimes take a daytime nap (Nuria --- siesta). He is having more food delivered, and it's thicker because he can take it by mouth, and of course we're still giving him many treats, such as cold custard (Nuria----natilla o flan) and sponge cake or coconut biscuits. He has lumpy porridge, sometimes mixed with weetabix for breakfast. He is putting weight at last on his legs. Today, whilst waiting for him to come out of physio', a carer for Steven's friend here, came running to me, to tell me to go to the sliding door to see Steven walking. By the time I'd got there he was just sitting in his chair, grrrrrrrrr.
best regards
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