Thursday, 3 February 2011

29th January 2011

lots of improvements and encouraging signs. Since the tracheotomy has been temporarily closed he has got used to breathing through his mouth and nose, and is now talking more and more. His voice started as low, but is now a higher melodic pitch, but is monotone. If he tries to talk too fast it becomes a mumble, but he obviously wants to speak his mind. He's talking about general things, mainly food, so we haven't broached the subject of his accident. However he does know he's lucky to be alive, but won't elaborate. He spoke to Mark on the mobile tonight, I wanted to be there to hear that, but that honour fell to Paul.
He still seems to be in a dream state sometimes as if not completely conscious, especially late evening and early morning when he's drowsy. This is when he has the least control over body movements. He's much calmer, so much so, I was able to wet shave him today for the first time in 6 weeks, it was good to see him after so long with designer stubble, but we couldn't risk a proper shave due to his agitation.
His left leg, and both feet injuries are healing very well, but all will require skin grafts in the future.
He seems to be permanently hungry, the doctor has ordered him extra food. I know we shouldn't, but we allow him to taste (hardly a spoonfull) the food as we feed him by syringe, let's hope that makes him feel as though he's actually had some food.
For some reason the physio' staff are very secretive in what they do, and it took another patient to tell us that Steven had been crawling, and then Steven told us himself that he had been walking with the help of 4 staff members. Perhaps that's why he's feeling hungry, more excercise.
We hope that the tracheotomy will be removed/closed permanently on Wednesday evening, we'll keep you updated on that.
Steven still doesn't like the wheelchair, he says it's uncomfortable due to the loss of weight on his backside, despite the air-filled cushion. But we put him in it to change his posture, and get some fresh air. I say that loosely, because the weather has been awful, frosts, rain, thick fog, high winds, and occasionally very sunny but very cold.
We're all fine. My darts team, and in fact, the darts league, have managed perfectly well without me. My adopted football team is not doing very well, even though I've temporarily stopped supporting them (that's another story!!), I still check their results. We've all lost weight, and we have to buy new clothes (as if Pauline needs that as an excuse), because those back at home won't fit either. Paul is keeping fit, but has still to climb the nearby mountain despite having bought the boots!!

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