Monday 21 February 2011

21st February 2011

We've all had an extremely emotional weekend. Steven has been very lucid and open for long periods of time. He has cried so much, he says, through happiness that he is okay and getting better. He cried when we told him that Veronica had been slightly injured. The crying was full-on, really upset, which made us all feel the same. He says he doesn't deserve the attention he's getting because he's been a bad lad in the past. He doesn't want us to worry about him. He misses us when we change "shifts". He constantly wanted to talk about anything. He wanted to know about the accident, but not what's happened to him. He was surprised at how long he'd been in this situation. But then in amongst all this, he forgot who I was, and forgot my name. He again forgot he was in hospital. At times his speech was slurred and low. But when he was okay he insisted on sending messages via hotmail and facebook. I typed them at his dictation.
Best regards

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